Austin County Water Supply Corporation (ACWSC) considers Health, Safety, Security and Environmental impacts in all drilling, construction and operations activities. We operate in accordance with regulations by applying acceptable standards of good practice.
We schedule water sampling and testing in qualified laboratories, monitoring all constituents as stipulated by the EPA. Alerts are issued and boil notices as required if abnormal levels are detected.
ACWSC maintains a plan for Critical Operations Preparedness to ensure all operations continue to function and water supply is available, most recently applied in the current COVID 19 Pandemic.
We issue Water Quality, Consumer Confidence Reports. These Reports can be found under "Forms & Reports"
Safety is of prime concern in all daily operations, installations are designed and constructed in compliance with codes and standards of good practice. Equipment is equipped with protective devises to protect against overpressure. Personnel protection is provided.
Drilling and completion operations are conducted by quailed contractors that operate to safety programs in compliance.
Our facilities are secured against unauthorized access.
All of our records are backed up as required by insurance requirements.
ACWSC appreciates public support in reporting leaks and breakages as we repair breaks, leaks and control erosion. Chlorination systems are closely monitored and corrected to prevent releases to atmosphere and spills are immediately cleaned.